There is Notre-Dame, the cathedral, still under construction. And, right next door, the archaeological crypt of the Ile de la Cité which, after a year of work following the fire of April 15, 2019, reopens its doors.

We go down through the cathedral square to immerse ourselves in 2000 years of history. Built in 1980, this museum presents the archaeological remains discovered during excavations carried out between 1965 and 1972. And offers a unique panorama of the urban and architectural evolution of the historic heart of Paris.

From Antiquity to the XNUMXth century, we follow the thread of the eras, from the quays of the ancient port of Lutèce, to the routes of the Haussmanian sewers passing through the medieval remains of rue Neuve-Notre-Dame.

Relatively unknown despite its 150.000 annual visitors, the museum today hosts the Notre-Dame de Paris exhibition from Victor Hugo to Eugène Viollet-le-Duc which pays tribute to both the committed writer and the architect.

The museography shows the stages and questions raised by the ambitious restoration work of Notre-Dame in the 1844th century. A rich documentation supports the subject: paintings, photographs and extracts from films, videos and of course from Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame de Paris at the origin, as we know, of the cathedral rescue project led by Viollet-le-Duc from 1864 to XNUMX.

Worth a visit while waiting for the cathedral to reopen in 2024.

Archaeological crypt of the Île de la Cité
7, Parvis Notre-Dame Place Jean-Paul-II, 75004 Paris
Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m.
01 55 42 50 10

Text: Katia Barillot
Photos: ©Anaïs Costet

 09. 07.20


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