What does our body say about who we are? This is the existential question that the first edition of Everybody will attempt to answer at a time of integrable beauty and the Orpea scandal, revealing society's lack of interest in the aging body.
Program at the Carreau du Temple du February 18 to 23, 2022, this new festival aims to nourish a deep reflection on the mutations of the contemporary body. This through performances, exhibitions, videos, dance shows, body practice workshops and debates.
These forms of expression aim to depict new models of feminism and masculinity.

Black card named Desire – © Vincent Zobler
Themes related to the body and appearance will also be discussed: racism, ageism, fatphobia, validism, fashion, etc. It is about celebrating the works and work – but also listening to the words – of artists, creators, researchers and intellectuals, all specialists in the body and its representations. Highly political and very topical, the subject of the festival promises to be fascinating.
From Friday 18 to Wednesday 23 November 2021
▼ Carreau du Temple
2 rue Perrée, 75003 Paris et 4 rue Eugène-Spuller, 75003 Paris
