© Martine Patine

Some remember that in France, roller skating experienced its first golden age with the disco wave of the late 1970s and the release of the film La Boum in 1980 where we discovered Sophie Marceau, in the role of Vic, sliding on roller skates at La Main jaune, the defunct nightclub at Porte de Champerret (17th) where roller skating was king.

Roller dancing is today experiencing a "revival" in France as in the United States, to the great pleasure of those who practice the discipline as well as those who watch it because, frankly, what's cooler than people wiggling on roulettes to the sound of funk or disco music?

Better than a firefighters' ball, a Rollerdance Party at Carreau du Temple is organized on July 14 in Jogging festival. A unique evening of sliding and grooving.

Punctuated by dance battles, the ball is open to all levels of roller skating. In preparation for the rollerdance, roller skating lessons will be given in the afternoon: see the workshop program below.

Inline skates and quad skates (with four wheels) are accepted, vintage skates (with metal frames) are not accepted. This check will be carried out at the entrance in order to respect the good condition of the floor of the Halle du Carreau du Temple.

Minimum age required: 10 years old.
All children must be accompanied by their parents on the track, and provided with protective equipment (helmet).

© Martine Patine

© Martine Patine


• 14 p.m. to 15:30 p.m. – ROLLER – 5€ only on site – Children (6 to 12 years old)

Learn to equip yourself, to use your protections, to slide, to let yourself slide, to cross, to catch, to slow down and to start again, to sneak, to slalom, to play together and to help each other... a pure moment of sliding in the Hall! With the Roller Squad Institut association.

• 14 p.m. to 15:30 p.m. – ROLLERDANCE – 5€ only on site – Children (7 to 15 years old)

Rollerdance brings together all the dances on wheels, ranging from funk to disco to the most contemporary sounds. Appearing in the 70s and popularized in the 80s, this practice continues to gain new followers. With the Roller Squad Institut association.

• 14 p.m. to 15:30 p.m. – FREESTYLE ROLLER – 5€ only on site – Children (7 to 15 years old) confirmed level.

A freestyle roller skating workshop for children who are already comfortable on their skates, with the Roller Squad Institut association!

• 16 p.m. to 17:30 p.m. – ROLLER – 5€ only on site – Children (6 to 12 years old)

Learn to equip yourself, to use your protections, to slide, to let yourself slide, to cross, to catch, to slow down and to start again, to sneak, to slalom, to play together and to help each other... a pure moment of sliding in the Hall! With the Roller Squad Institut association

• 16 p.m. to 17:30 p.m. – ROLLERDANCE – 5€ only on site – Adults

Rollerdance brings together all the dances on wheels, ranging from funk to disco to the most contemporary sounds. Appearing in the 70s and popularized in the 80s, this practice continues to gain new followers. With the Roller Squad Institut association

• 16 p.m. to 17:30 p.m. – ROLLER DERBY – 5€ only on site – Children (6 to 14 years old)

With the Paris Rollergirls association, learn Roller Derby, a predominantly female and inclusive sport of strategy, speed and contact! On quad rollerblades, two teams compete on an oval track called a track. Born in the 1930s, Roller Derby has returned to the forefront of the international scene since the 2000s, in Europe and France.


• 18h at 1 a.m. – ROLLERDANCE PARTY – 5€ only on site – Ball open to all levels of roller skating

© Martine Patine

Text: Katia Barillot




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