Dans le Mille – Kejin Jean – © Antistatic Festival-Teodora Simova – Sofia, Bulgaria, May 29, 2021
[This text is taken from the official Carreau du Temple program]
In this trio, Kevin Jean summons dances rarely performed by men assigned male at birth. Exploring elements of the world of eroticism going against the gendered distribution of roles – the woman seduces, is looked at; the man looks, is seduced - it opens the hypothesis of a relief from the behaviors pre-devolved to women as well as men.
Kevin Jean is not at his trial run in terms of alternative stage writing to the dominant heterosexual codes, participating in the renewal of imagination. In this trio, Kevin Jean summons dances rarely performed by people assigned male at birth, exploring elements of the world of eroticism going against the gendered distribution of roles – the woman seduces, is looked at; the man looks, is seduced.
In 2019, La Pursuit du Cyclone radiated a buried but vibrant anger, mixing questions of the intimate and the political in its dance. In the Mile begins where The Pursuit of the Cyclone ends. This new opus, while pursuing a quest for alternative performative forms, draws on an emotional register other than that of exasperation; the affirmation of a refusal: to be a man.
At the heart of this performance, the choreographer uses his experiences to examine the issues of exposing his own body and that of his partners, each in his own zone of power. Dans le Mille simultaneously defeats the binary schema between masculinity and femininity, by choosing the opposite of “virility”: vulnerability, sensitivity, self-sacrifice, thus leading to a necessary transformation of representations.
Thursday October 7 and Friday October 8, 2021 at 19:30 p.m.
▼Carreau du Temple
2 rue Perrée, 75003 Paris
Reservation recommended: 01 83 81 93 30

Dans le Mille – Kejin Jean – © Antistatic Festival-Teodora Simova – Sofia, Bulgaria, May 29, 2021